• Latex Online Editor

LEd Frequently Ask Question (FAQ)


The phrase "frequently asked question" used to mean a list of answers to common questions that Web site visitors might ask. So, if you use LEd or LaTex Editor, the author of this article will show you the "LEd frequently asked questions" (FAQ).


Question A001: LEd is still in its beta version. When do you intend to publish a 1.0 version?

Answer: LEd is still in its development stage. They want to publish several beta versions in 2007. Unfortunately, they cannot say when version 1.0 will be completed.

Question A002: There are three localized versions of LEd: American English, British English, and Polish. Are you going to provide other translations?

Answer: Currently, they have no plans to provide other localized versions. It is possible, however, for third parties to create other localized versions. The translation method will be described in the documentation. They are also interested in publishing the translations submitted by LEd's users on LEd's home page. So if you want to share your translations please contact them.

Question A003: Today LEd is free. Are you going to change its status to commercial some day?

Answer: LEd currently is and will continue to be free. There are, however, some costs related to LEd development, so they ask for donations.

Question A004: What about documentation?

Answer: Yes, lack of documentation is one the main disadvantages of LEd. They hope they will be able to publish the documentation in the near future.

Question A005: What do you think about plug-ins?

Answer: They are working on plug-ins. They will add plug-in mechanism in one of the future versions.

Question A006: LEd can connect to its homepage when it starts. Does LEd send any information?

Answer: LEd does not send any information. The connection only checks for any important messages, e.g., on available updates. You can also disable this option (menu: Configuration/Options, section: Program).

Question A007: What about moving to Open Source?

Answer: LEd is and will be free, but they have no plans of moving to Open Source.

Question A008: What about Linux version of LEd?

Answer: LEd was designed to work under Windows® operating system. Switching to Linux is a time-consuming task. They think of it, but there are a lot of other things they want to add to LEd that has a higher priority. LEd can be, however, used under Linux+Wine.

Installation And Maintenance

Question B001: Why can't I see symbol icons on the toolbars?

Answer: You probably do not have resource files (*.crf). Visit their download page and copy the necessary file to LEd's main directory.

Question B002: Why do I see strange symbols like '?2312?' instead of strings?

Answer: There are no language resources in the "Languages" directory or there is an incorrect record in the LEd.cfg file. First, try to download LEd's package, copy the contents of the Language directory and check if strange symbols appear after closing and running LEd. If symbols still appear instead of strings, close LEd, remove the LEd.cfg file and run LEd again.

Question B003: Does LEd store any information in the Windows® registry?

Answer: Yes. LEd uses the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\LEd key. It, however, stores only the machine-specific parameters, like window size, toolbar positions. All the parameters that can be moved between computers are stored in project files or LEd.cfg file.

Question B004: I cannot edit LEd.cfg and language resources (in Language directory) files. I see binary data. What has happened?

Answer: All LEd files can be stored in compressed form to save disk space. For LEd it makes no difference whether it uses compressed or uncompressed files. To decompress a file, type type following from the command line: led.exe-d <file_name>. If you want to compress a file, run: led.exe-c <file_name>. A more detailed description of the command line switches can be found at the technical details page.

Question B005: The menu bar does not appear under Linux/Wine. How do I solve this?

Answer: Open the registry editor, select LEd's branch, and set the value Config/ShowFlatMenu to Yes.

Question B006: Where can I find the contents of the persistent clipboards?

Answer: The contents of the persistent clipboards are stored in text files in the <LEdDir>/ClipBoxes directory.

Question B007: Why are add-ons not visible after they download?

Answer: You need to restart LEd to make the add-ons visible.


Question C001: Why don't the filters work for files not belonging to projects?

Answer: You should define default filters in options (menu: Configuration/Options, section: Editor/Filters).

Question C002: How can I disable hints in the editor?

Answer: You should go to the Options dialog box (under the drop-down menu Configuration/Options, section: Application). In this section, you can enable/disable any of the elements of hints.

Question C003: Why doesn't build all toolbutton work?

Answer: This toolbutton executes the build.bat script from the project directory. You can create such a file if you need to execute some special commands to build the project.

Question C004: I cannot use a built-in spellchecker. What's going on?

Answer: Check if any of the dictionariesare selected. You can do it for all the projects (menu: Configuration/Options, section: Spellchecking/Dictionaries) or for the current project only (menu: Configuration/Project options, section: Dictionaries). When the dictionaries are selected, the spellchecker is enabled. Incorrect words will be underlined. When you right-click on an incorrect word you will see the list of suggestions. You can also use the hot key Ctrl+D.

Question C005: How do I change the code page of the edited file?

Answer: Select the proper code page from the status bar (beginning with the 0.3 beta version).

Question C006: Can I change the editor window's background?

Answer: Beginning with the 0.32 beta version you can change this in LEd's options (menu: Configuration/Options, section: Editor/Syntax highlight).

Question C007: How do I configure LEd to work with YAP?

Answer: Put C:\Program Files\LEd\LEd.exe %f:%l (use the path where LEd is installed) in YAP options in the Reverse Search edit field.

Question C008: Why doesn't the compilation in LEd work?

Answer: LEd requires that the environment variable PATH contain the path to the TeX/LaTeX binary files.

Project Management

Question D001: How can I remove (or add) a project from (to) a project group?

Answer: It is impossible to open more than one project group at the same time. When you open a project, it is added to the current project group. When you close a project, it is removed from this project group.

Question D002: Can LEd import project files from other editors?

Answer: Currently, it cannot but we are working on this feature.


Question E001: Can I use persistent clipboards from keyboard?

Answer: Yes. You should use Ctr+Plus to add a selected text to the first empty clipboard. The hot key Ctrl+Alt+ should be used to add the selected text to the pointed (denoted by the number_of_clipboard) clipboard, and Shift+Alt+ should be used to paste the contents of the clipboard into the editor.

DVI Viewer

Question F001: Why can't I see a DVI preview after compiling a file not belonging to a project?

Answer: Beginning with LEd's 0.21 beta version, the DVI viewer also works for files not belonging to projects. Update your version of LEd.

Question F002: How do I change the zoom in the DVI viewer?

Answer: You can use the toolbuttons in the Toolkit toolbar. You can also use a popup menu of the viewer.

Question F003: Why doesn't the built-in DVI viewer show anything?

Answer: The DVI viewer needs a proper configuration of the TeX distribution and the location of some TeX files. Please read the related section at our how to start page.

Question F004: What are small blue boxes at DVI preview?

Answer: The boxes are TeX source specials, which makes a "connection'" between DVI and TeX source. Each blue box is related to a position in TeX source, so after double-clicking at the paragraph in DVI you will be moved to this paragraph in the editor.

Some Rather Out-dated Topics

Question G001: Why can't LEd find the source file during the compilation?

Answer: The source file is probably on the non-default partition. The batches in 0.1, 0.2x versions cannot make a compilation in such a case. Change the proper batch file or install a new version of LEd (corrected in 0.3 beta).

Question G002: Under Windows® 95/98/Me, why are the resources which different than the current language displayed incorrectly?

Answer: Under Windows® 95/98/Me only resources in the current language can be displayed properly because these Windows® versions do not support Unicode. Beginning Windows® 2000, Unicode is supported.

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Robert Crawford

Robert Crawford

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